Refuge Services home Refuge Services - Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy, Hippotherapy, Therapeutic Riding
Transforming Lives
Long-term Benefits

The benefits for the youth and families have a tremendous lasting impact and are measurable. Results show an increase in productive and positive relations with peers, teachers, parents, co-workers, and other individuals. Also, participants increase the amount of involvement in school, work, and community activities while using creativity in a positive manner. In addition, participants show a decrease in the amount of violence, teen pregnancies, drug/alcohol problems, and other anti-social behaviors upon completion. Therefore, there is a decrease in future arrest charges, domestic disputes, and emotional strongholds. A final result is a decrease in the amount of substance abuse, eating disorders, depression, and anxiety.

As stated previously, the long-term benefits are 28% more substantial than inpatient care for juveniles. Journey Home and Ride to Pride, similar Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) programs in Colorado and New Mexico, conducted the most recent outcome study on juvenile offenders in their EAP programs. The latest study reports that 95% of the youth participants in their EAP programs had no new charges during the two years following graduation. They indicated that family involvement in the program was a significant factor in this success (Mann, 2000). In comparison, Lubbock County Juvenile Justice Center (LCJJC) reports only 67% of their youth have no new charges during a year following release. Twenty-eight percent fewer re-offenders through an Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy program can make a huge impact on Lubbock.


I want to thank you so much for all your advice and encouragement over the past few months. I really looked forward every week to our visit. You really brought me through some tough times and did so in a loving environment. I also am thankful that you suggested the horse therapy. I can’t even begin to tell you what a blessing that has been for me. I have learned so much about myself and relationships. The horse therapy was far beyond my greatest expectation.”

- Participant, age 21

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