Refuge Services - Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy, Hippotherapy, Therapeutic Riding Refuge Services - Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy, Hippotherapy, Therapeutic Riding
Transforming Lives


In order to utilize the horses, Refuge Services must incur the expenses as well of a facility that is professional and maintains the physical and emotional safety needs of the clients and the horses. In this pursuit, the expenses and maintenance are demanding. Nevertheless, the benefits of seeing a child walk or talk for the first time or a family laughing and hugging after a session always outweigh the costs.

Join with those who believe in the mission of Refuge Services and want to give hurting children and families a chance to make positive changes in their lives. You can send a gift today, or just e-mail us for more information.

We will never give or sell your name to any other organization. Every contribution will be followed by our heartfelt thanks and a receipt for your records.

Contributions to Refuge Services whether monetary or non-cash, are tax deductible on your federal and state tax returns under IRS section 501C3.

Memorial gifts, gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, bequests and other forms of "planned" gifts are welcome. Let us know that you're interested, and we'll help you find a way to make a difference in a life.

We have received much support from private and corporate donations. Our local corporate sponsors include:

a. Turff Therapy Riding Center
b. Solar Chef International
c. TABCO Machine, Inc.
d. Texas Tech University Interior Design Department
e. Parks Printing
f. FDC Trading Co.
g. Signs on the Go
h. GEBO's
i. Priefert Manufacturer
j. Trinity Church
k. MuscleTech
l. Cribb's Insurance
m. Hub City Plumbing
n. J. Hoffman's
o. Adobe Traders
p. Bolton Oil Change
q. Godbold Feeds
r. Axa Advisors
s. Coldwell Banker
t. Albertson's


EAP Testimonials:

Don’t wait around for things to just happen. You have to not follow the crowd and do your own thing.”

- Participant, age 16

I want to thank you so much for all your advice and encouragement over the past few months. I really looked forward every week to our visit. You really brought me through some tough times and did so in a loving environment. I also am thankful that you suggested the horse therapy. I can’t even begin to tell you what a blessing that has been for me. I have learned so much about myself and relationships. The horse therapy was far beyond my greatest expectation.”

- Participant, age 21

You can make a donation using PayPal. To begin, click the PayPal icon below.


Learn more about making payments through PayPal.

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