Refuge Services home Refuge Services - Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy, Hippotherapy, Therapeutic Riding
Transforming Lives

Mission Statement:

The mission of Refuge Services is to enhance individual, family, & group functioning by providing opportunities to develop skills for solving problems, overcoming obstacles, and reaching individual as well as group goals.

Our vision is to build strong relationships through Equine-Assisted growth and learning activities. Our long term plan is to expand into a therapeutic environment retreat for families in a ranch setting - The REFUGE: Family Restoration Ranch. This ranch will incorporate traditional counseling, Equine-Assisted Therapy, as well as other nature therapies (ropes courses, camping, etc.)

Our goals are to improve communication, stimulate creativity in thinking, teach patience, build trust in relationships, and improve self-esteem.

EAP Testimonials:

I am not hopeless. I can change me even when I can’t change what happens to me.”

- Client, age 14

Hippotherapy testimonials:

“My horse is my best friend. Together we can do anything, even win State Special Olympics.”

- Client with Downs Syndrome, age 30

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